Store Password Securely

Save MySql user/password in php.

Generally speaking, never save password in source code. Even the encrypted password.

The reason is, anyone can get access to the source code and get the password. However, If I insist to that, what should I do?

For my, I going to Save the password in a separate file outside the git tracked directory.
Set the password only readable/writable for server root user.

Hashing word-list in MySql.


hash(password + salt).

Hash can’t be something like md5(too weak) or use encryption algorithm to replace hash-function.
Salt: should randomly generated. Use Cryptographically hash solution instead of invent your own.
Generate long salt cspring instead of use your own random algorithm, or even worth, use contains or a loop. Salt can store in plain text just with the hashed password.

Platform CSPRNG PHP mcrypt_create_iv, openssl_random_pseudo_bytes Java Dot NET (C#, VB) System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider Ruby SecureRandom Python os.urandom Perl Math::Random::Secure C/C++ (Windows API) CryptGenRandom Any language on GNU/Linux or Unix Read from /dev/random or /dev/urandom

Protect against off-line attack on single password.

Answer: System like Pythia

Jiayang, Sun 27 February 2017
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