formspring »> (Linkedin = xsplit)
The formspring passwords are salted and encrypt with more time consuming hash function. Even though it also can be crack in reasonable time(about 20 hours with hashcat), however, this result is much better than Linkedin & xsplit’s unsalted passwords (cracked in less than 30 minutes with python script).
Hashcat 3.30
Python(see script below):
awk(see script below)
dictionary: []
to crack with dict attack and brute force attack, I coded the
import urllib2
import hashlib
import time
from sets import Set
DEBUG = False
filePth = "/home/joey/GoogleDrive/course/ComputerSecurity/hw2/passwordList/xsplit_pwd.txt"
#dictPth = "/home/joey/GoogleDrive/course/ComputerSecurity/hw2/passwordList/Md5decrypt-awesome-wordlist"
dictPth = "/home/joey/GoogleDrive/course/ComputerSecurity/hw2/passwordList/pwd6.txt"
outPth = "/home/joey/GoogleDrive/course/ComputerSecurity/hw2/passwordList/xsplit_pwd.out"
def query(url, debug = False):
rsp = None
if debug:
print url
rsp = urllib2.urlopen(url).read();
return rsp
def url(hashArr):
rst = api+ "?hash_type="+hash_type+"&email="+email+"&code="+code + "&hash="
for i in range(0, len(hashArr)):
if i == 0:
rst = rst + hashArr[i]
rst = rst + ";" + hashArr[i]
return rst
#print urllib2.urlopen(url(HASH)).read();
def write_back(hashTable, filePath):
with open(filePath, "a") as f:
for h in hashTable:
f.writelines(h + " " + hashTable[h] + "\n")
print "write back {0} hashes".format(len(hashTable))
def rm_found(hashset, filePth):
with open(filePth, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
h = line.split()[0]
if h in hashset:
return hashset
def load(filePth):
rst = Set()
with open(filePth, 'rw') as f:
for line in f:
#print line[:-1]
print "{0} hashs loaded from {1}".format(len(rst), filePth)
return rst
def sha1_crack():
startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
#hashSet = rm_found(load(filePth), outPth)
hashSet = load(filePth)
hashTable = {}
with open(dictPth, "r") as f:
count = 0
for line in f:
h = hashlib.sha1(line[:-1]).hexdigest();
#print "{1} {0}".format(line[:-1], h)
if(h in hashSet):
hashTable[h] = line[:-1]
count = count + 1
if(count % 10000 == 0):
print "found {0}. hash({1}) = {2}".format(count, line[:-1], h)
write_back(hashTable, outPth)
write_back(hashTable, outPth)
print "total found {0} password".format(count)
print "{1} over {0} not found :(".format(len(hashSet), count)
print "cost {0}ms".format(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
def sha256_salted():
startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
hashSet = rm_found(load(filePth), outPth)
hashTable = {}
with open(dictPth, "r") as f:
count = 0
for line in f:
#crack formspring
for i in range(0, 101):
salt = '{:02d}'.format(i)
if i == 100:
salt = ""
h = hashlib.sha256(salt + line[:-1]).hexdigest();
#print "word={0}, hash={1}".format(salt + line[:-1], h)
if(h in hashSet):
hashTable[h] = line[:-1]
count = count + 1
if(count % 1 == 0):
print "found {0}. hash({1}) = {2}".format(count, line[:-1], h)
write_back(hashTable, outPth)
write_back(hashTable, outPth)
print "total found {0} password".format(count)
print "{0} over {1} not found :(".format(len(hashSet), count)
print "cost {0}ms".format(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
to combine result
CURRENT_PTH = "/home/joey/GoogleDrive/course/ComputerSecurity/hw2/passwordList/js8510/"
LIN_RST_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "Linkedin.out"
XPL_RST_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "xsplit_pwd.out"
SPR_RST_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "formspring.out"
LIN_IN_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "Linkedin.txt"
XPL_IN_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "xsplit_leak.txt"
SPR_IN_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "formspring.txt"
LIN_OUT_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "Linkedin_out.txt"
XPL_OUT_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "xsplit_cracked.txt"
SPR_OUT_PTH = CURRENT_PTH + "formspring_cracked.txt"
# print LIN_IN_PTH
def load(pth):
return a hash table {hash : pwd}
table = {}
with open(pth, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
arr = line[:-1].split()
if(len(arr) == 2):
#print arr
table[arr[0]] = arr[1]
print "load {0} from {1}".format(len(table), pth)
#print table
return table
def match_and_write(hashTable, inPth ,outPth):
padding pwd after hashs of [inPth] and output to [outPth]
print "matching and writing....."
with open(inPth, 'r') as inFile, open(outPth, 'a') as outFile:
lnum = 0
fnum = 0
for line in inFile:
#rm \n
lnum = lnum + 1
#print line
line = line[:-1]
fileds = line.split()
pwd = ""
if len(fileds) != 0 and fileds[-1] in hashTable:
fnum = fnum + 1
pwd = hashTable[fileds[-1]]
#print "writing line {0} and found {1}".format(lnum, fnum)
outFile.write(line + " " +pwd + "\n")
if (lnum % 10000 == 0):
print "writed {0} lines and found {1}".format(lnum, fnum)
#hashTable = load(LIN_RST_PTH)
#match_and_write(hashTable, LIN_IN_PTH, LIN_OUT_PTH)
# hashTable = load(XPL_RST_PTH)
# match_and_write(hashTable, XPL_IN_PTH, XPL_OUT_PTH)
hashTable = load(SPR_RST_PTH)
match_and_write(hashTable, SPR_IN_PTH, SPR_OUT_PTH)
to generated salted input for Hashcat, I use follow awk script
for (i = 0 ; i<=50; i++){
printf("%s:%d\n", $0, i)
to do brute foce attack
import itertools
import string
pwdPth = "/home/joey/GoogleDrive/course/ComputerSecurity/hw2/passwordList/pwd7.txt"
LETTERS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
def gen(length = 7,outPth = pwdPth):
with open(outPth,'w') as f:
comb = itertools.combinations_with_replacement(LETTERS,length)
pwd = "".join(
f.write(pwd + '\n')